Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Human Implants Chip 

                RFID implanted chip had emerged decade age when the first human being; Kevin Warwick the professor of cybernetics at the Reading University injected under skin of his arm as a research project. Since then, variety of applications was presented to the public, but this technology predated to world war two eras when Radio Frequency Identification was invented, and used as a radar system. Recently, an advanced new version of sophisticated RFID system named "Human Implants Chip (HIC)" was designed. 
To speed-up personal processing data for the different sector of human serving industry as well as medical and financial services. This piece of technology was admirable invention that intended boost efficiency and productivity of some businesses. 
Specifically, in case of an emergence for a patient with serous medical condition like a heart-attack or stroke. Then, this microchip implanted under his/her skin would enable the medical professionals to scan and read medical record of the patient very quick.
Similarly, fast-pace business may use to in the future to process cashless scan-able chip embedded with their customer to handle transactions. However, this revolutionary technology has significantly affecting human dignity and the freedom of personal privacy.
The presentation of my classmate

It was not that long ago, when I heard 3D-printing technology ever since I would not encounter physically for 3D-printer, but what I only knew was its existence.  However, it is blowing your mind when you see a new technology effecting the way we use to think before. During the presentation time of last week in the class, one the students presented how 3D-printing technology will facilitate the construction of the first human base in the moon which some astronauts may live in the near future for research and exploration purposes at the beginning.

Also the technology would built a protection layer that can defended the base from radiation rays and asteroids that may hit the base since the moon has not protect for falling asteroids. Another amazing thing is that the technology will not use a raw material from the Earth, but it will use the surface of the moon as a build material. In really this is insane, and here is why Professor Andrew Fry said in the mid of the quarter, “we are driving 100 miles per hours down the hill in a foggy road” that means the technology is crazy and we have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow.
What makes a Community?

For many people, when community comes to their mind they right way recognizing the physical community that exists in their daily world such as neighbors, co-worker, friends, and even the people lives in the next block of their house. However, the community we are discussion today is totally different than the one we use to known for years, and it is nonphysical community but really exist in a virtual world.

Since the rising of social media for a while ago, the online community was grow exponentially from edge of the globe to the other edge of the globe. Even so, your online community may consist of your next door friend or someone in the lives in China. But at the same moment, you could interact, or communicate in a same way by chatting, teleconferencing or web comping to see in live action for every one the community. The online communities exist some many reasons today, from a friendship to a colleagues as well as educational, business, so on and so forth. But there is common related that connects between them, that is what makes the online community; the magic powerful of internet!!! 

It is obvious that, somethings are depend on the existence other-one that are introduced to before them. To say in the other words, since the inception of the modern technology decades ago. Every invention of new technology rely on, or somewhat related another technology that became before it. In the reality what is on the ground today were not even a fiction for little while ago. Such as self-driving cars and face scan make-up machine.

In fact, without internet connectivity all this embracing technologies were not even possible, and this is why we are address how all this technologies are combine to new innovative one  that uses the a collection others technologies that existed before it. This is what we call a convergence to combine many exist device, or systems and invent out of it from brand new one.