Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The dream of fictions story become reality.

Epic 2015, was the story a technological fictions that is predicting the direction internet heading in 2015. What is now the reality on the ground, which everyone cannot ignore, nor avoid to live without it?  And, it is the wonder of technology, what was a dream of yesterday is became the life line of today and it will be history of tomorrow. This is how the word of information technology advancing incredible amount of time over a short period of time.   

In my prospective the rate that internet growing, and how technology corporations displacing the old media businesses make me to think where we heading tomorrow. As the technology dominate around the globe, also the market is changing too. For example, before some time we had so many media companies and different kinds of media publication, such as newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. consequently, this media is either declining or  it is not exist anymore. Which very sad in a way, something that was part of our lives for a long time easily disappearing. While we can predicted where this crazy technology lead us in the future.

On the other hand, we enjoy a technology that any generation before us never seen, nor they dreamed which is only possible at moment. Finally the message that epic 2015 conveyed was, and now is a chapter of our daily lives, and this video was almost predicted of what happening today.    

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